Zmieniłem swój config conky ze składni 1.9 na 1.10
conky.config = {
-- Conky settings --
update_interval = 1,
total_run_times = 0,
background = true,
cpu_avg_samples = 1,
net_avg_samples = 1,
override_utf8_locale = true,
double_buffer = true,
no_buffers = true,
text_buffer_size = 256,
imlib_cache_size = 10,
format_human_readable = true,
-- Window specifications --
own_window = true,
own_window_type = 'normal',
own_window_transparent = true,
own_window_argb_visual = true,
own_window_argb_value = 30,
own_window_hints = 'undecorated,sticky,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
-- own_window_colour = '#484B52',
maximum_width = 300,
alignment = 'top_right',
gap_x = 0,
gap_y = 20,
-- Graphics settings --
draw_shades = false,
draw_outline = false,
draw_borders = false,
draw_graph_borders = true,
border_width = 0,
-- Text settings --
override_utf8_locale = true,
use_xft = true,
font = 'Bold:size=9',
xftalpha = 0.5,
-- Color settings -,
default_color = '0A960F',
color1 = '0998ED',
color2 = 'C37D0E',
color3 = '0EB3C3',
conky.text = [[
#${alignr}${font Ubuntu:pixelsize=26}${desktop}${font}
${voffset -15}${image /home/robson/.conky/Logo.png -p 0,0 -s 38x38}${image /home/robson/.conky/Logo.png -p 260,0 -s 38x38}
${color3}${font Roboto Black:size=20}$alignc${time %H:%M:%S}
${voffset -15}${font Roboto Black:size=14}$alignc${time %A} ${time %d} ${time %B} ${time %Y}
${color1}${voffset -12}${font Roboto Black:size=9}${scroll 44 2 ${execi 1200 whoami}@${nodename}-$sysname $kernel $machine}
${voffset 0}${font Roboto Black:size=10}${color2}SYSTEM $color$font Arch Linux Xfce ${execi 10000 awk -F'=' '/DISTRIB_RELEASE=/ {printf $2" "} /CODENAME/ {print $2}' /etc/lsb-release}
${voffset -4}${font Play :Bold:size=11}$sysname kernel: $font$kernel$alignr$machine
${voffset -4}${font Play :Bold:size=11}Czas działania: $font$alignr$uptime
${voffset -4}${font Play :Bold:size=11}Temperatura gpu: $font$alignr${execi 30 sensors | grep 'temp1:' | cut -c16-19}${color0}°C
${voffset -4}${font Play :Bold:size=11}${color}Paczki do aktualizacji: $font${alignr 8}${color1}${execpi 80 checkupdates | wc -l}${color}
${voffset -4}${font Play :Bold:size=11}Paczki zainstalowane: $font$alignr${execi 10 pacman -Q | wc -l}
${voffset -4}${font Play :Bold:size=11}Ostatnia aktualizacja: $font$alignr${voffset 1}${execi 10 grep "starting full system upgrade" /var/log/pacman.log | tail -n1| cut --bytes=2-17}
# CPU #
${voffset -3}${font Roboto Black:size=10}${color2}CPU${color}${font} Intel Core 4x i3-2100 CPU@3.10GHz $acpitemp${color0}°C
#Core 1 - ${execi 2 sensors | grep 'Core 1' | cut -c17-20}°C ${alignc 60}${cpubar cpu1}${color}
#Core 2 - ${execi 2 sensors | grep 'Core 2' | cut -c17-20}°C ${alignc 60}${cpubar cpu2}${color}
${alignc 30}${voffset -5}${cpugraph 1 20,148 0000ff 00ff00 -t}${alignr}${cpugraph 2 20,148 0000ff 00ff00 -t}
${color0}${alignc 50}${voffset -10}${cpubar cpu1 5,148}${alignr}${cpubar cpu2 5,148}
${alignc 30}${voffset -6}${color}${font Play :Bold:size=11}Core 1 $font${cpu cpu1}% ${alignr 30}${voffset -3}${font Play :Bold:size=11}Core 2 $font${cpu cpu2}%
${font Roboto Black:size=10}${color2}USAGE${font Roboto Black:size=10}${color2}${alignr 47}RAM${color2}${alignr 18}${font Roboto Black:size=10}CPU
${font :Bold:size=10}${color1}${top name 1}${voffset -3}$font$alignr${top cpu 1} %
${voffset -16}$alignr${voffset 2}${offset -60}${top mem 1} %
${font :Bold:size=10}${top name 2}${voffset -3}$font$alignr${top cpu 2} %
${voffset -16}$alignr${voffset 2}${offset -60}${top mem 2} %
${font :Bold:size=10}${top name 3}${voffset -3}$font$alignr${top cpu 3} %
${voffset -16}$alignr${voffset 2}${offset -60}${top mem 3} %
${font :Bold:size=10}${top name 4}${voffset -3}$font$alignr${top cpu 4} %
${voffset -16}$alignr${voffset 2}${offset -60}${top mem 4} %
${font :Bold:size=10}${top name 5}${voffset -3}$font$alignr${top cpu 5} %
${voffset -16}$alignr${voffset 2}${offset -60}${top mem 5} %
${font :Bold:size=10}${top name 6}${voffset -3}$font$alignr${top cpu 6} %
${voffset -16}$alignr${voffset 2}${offset -60}${top mem 6} %
${voffset 0}${font Roboto Black:size=10}${color2}MEMORY $font${color}$memperc% ${color0}${membar 5}
${voffset -10}${color}$hr
${color}${font Play :Bold:size=11}${voffset -7}Used: $font$mem of $memmax$alignr${font Play :Bold:size=11}${voffset -3}Free: $font$memeasyfree$alignr
${font Play :Bold:size=11}${voffset -2}Buffer: $font$buffers$alignr${font Play :Bold:size=11}${voffset -4}Cache: $font$cached$alignr
${voffset -15}${color}${voffset 5}$hr
${font :Bold:size=10}${color1}${top_mem name 1}$font$alignr${top_mem mem_res 1}
${voffset -17}${alignr}
${font :Bold:size=10}${top_mem name 2}$font$alignr${top_mem mem_res 2}
${voffset -17}${alignr}
${font :Bold:size=10}${top_mem name 3}$font$alignr${top_mem mem_res 3}
${voffset -17}${alignr}
${font :Bold:size=10}${top_mem name 4}$font$alignr${top_mem mem_res 4}
${voffset -17}${alignr}
${font :Bold:size=10}${top_mem name 5}$font$alignr${top_mem mem_res 5}
${voffset -17}${alignr}
${font :Bold:size=10}${top_mem name 6}$font$alignr${top_mem mem_res 6}
${voffset -17}${alignr}
# HDD #
${voffset 0}${font Roboto Black:size=10}${color2}DISC ${color}$font sda: ${execi 3600 cat /sys/block/sda/device/model || echo "none"} ${if_match "${hddtemp /dev/sda}"<="40" }${color 0A960F}$else${if_match "${hddtemp /dev/sda}"<="50" }${color orange}$else${color red}${font :Bold:size=10}UWAGA! $endif$endif${hddtemp /dev/sda}${color0}°C ${voffset 0}${alignr}${diskiograph /dev/sda 8,60 F57900 FCAF3E}
${color}${voffset -3}${font Play :Bold:size=11}Home used: (${fs_type /}) $font${fs_used /} of ${fs_size /} ${color} ${fs_used_perc /}% ${color0}
${color}${voffset -3}${font Play :Bold:size=11}Boot used: (${fs_type /boot/}) $font${fs_used /boot/} of ${fs_size /boot/} ${color} ${fs_used_perc /boot/}% ${color0}
$color${voffset -3}${font Play :Bold:size=11}write: $font${diskio_write /dev/sda2}${alignc}${voffset -4}${font Play :Bold:size=11}read: $font${diskio_read /dev/sda2}
${voffset -3}${font Play :Bold:size=11}Swap used: $font$swap of $swapmax ${color}$alignr$swapperc% ${color0}${swapbar 8,60}
${voffset 0}${font Roboto Black:size=10}${color2}NETWORK ${execpi 4 echo "\${font}\${color} (ping: \${font Roboto Black:size=10}\${color #66aaff}$(ping -W 1 -c 1 -q | grep rtt | egrep [0-9]+\.[0-9]+ -o | head -n 2 | tail -n 1)\${font}\${color} ms"})
${voffset -4}${color1}${font Roboto Black:size=10}External IP ${font}${alignr}${execi 10600 curl -s}
#Wykrywanie karty sieciowej
${voffset 2}${color}Network connected $hr
${if_existing /proc/net/route enp0s26u1u3}
${voffset -28}${font}${alignr}
${color}↓Pobrane: ${downspeedf enp0s26u1u3} kB/s $alignr${totaldown enp0s26u1u3}
${voffset -14}${alignc -40}${color0}${downspeedgraph enp0s26u1u3 8,85 000000 66aaff}
${color}↑Wysłane: ${upspeedf enp0s26u1u3} kB/s $alignr${totalup enp0s26u1u3}
${voffset -14}${alignc -40}${color0}${upspeedgraph enp0s26u1u3 8,85 000000 66aaff}
${else}${if_existing /proc/net/route enp0s26u1u3}
${voffset -28}${font}${alignr}
${color}↓Pobrane: ${downspeedf enp0s26u1u3} kB/s $alignr${totaldown enp0s26u1u3}
${voffset -14}${alignc -40}${color0}${downspeedgraph enp0s26u1u3 8,85 000000 66aaff}
${color}↑Wysłane: ${upspeedf enp0s26u1u3} kB/s $alignr${totalup enp0s26u1u3}
${voffset -14}${alignc -40}${color0}${upspeedgraph enp0s26u1u3 8,85 000000 aaddff}
${else}${if_existing /proc/net/route enp0s26u1u3}
${voffset -28}${font}${alignr}
${color}↓Pobrane: ${downspeedf enp0s26u1u3} kB/s $alignr${totaldown enp0s26u1u3}
${voffset -14}${alignc -40}${color0}${downspeedgraph enp0s26u1u3 8,85 000000 66aaff}
${color}↑Wysłane: ${upspeedf enp0s26u1u3} kB/s $alignr${totalup enp0s26u1u3}
${voffset -14}${alignc -40}${color0}${upspeedgraph enp0s26u1u3 8,85 000000 aaddff}
#Koniec wykrywania karty sieciowej
${voffset -25}${color}$hr
${color}${texeci 120 curl -s | sed -n '3,7{s/\d27\[[0-9;]*m//g;s/^..//;s/ *$//;p}'}
Albo pobrać można stąd